Planning – Application Comments

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07/01459/FULL | Erection of a mixed use (23 storey maximum high) development comprising:- residential accommodation (246 Flats), student houses (143) with student bar, hotel (185 rooms), casino (3,623sqm; 39,000sqft), restaurants and cafes (2,025sqm; 21,800sqft) convenience store and kiosk (275sqm; 2,960sqft), management suite/security offices/stores (69sqm; 740sqft), car parking (305 spaces) and public open space. Plus vehicular access off St Peter Street. Following demolition of existing mill and ancillary building. (Revised Scheme) | Clarence Mills Great Union Street/Clarence Street/St Peter Street Kingston Upon Hull
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  • Total Consulted: 292
  • Comments Received: 6
  • Objections: 5
  • Supporting: 0
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Comment submitted date: Thu 29 Oct 2009

The Noise during construction does bother me could the work be limited to working hours and no early starts on the weekend please.

Also the Height of the development concerns me that it could block out light in the morning as the sun rises up from the east.


Comment submitted date: Thu 29 Oct 2009

?I am objecting to the planning application 07/01459/FULL on the following points:

The proposed development would be extremely intrusive to the surrounding properties in the

area as the plans show complete over development of the site.

The general street scene would be dramatically out of character for a conservation area and

the surrounding listed buildings.

The property being a disused flour mill must have a considerable environmental health risk

with relation to contaminated residue left inside the building from the original manufacturing

process and insulation by way of potentially harming asbestos type materials.

This planning application would be extremely disruptive to myself and my neighbours by way

of noise and pollution caused during the demolition and redevelopment of the proposed site.

Living in the building on the opposite side of the river Hull frontage, the only natural light

and ventilation into my property is from windows opening directly over the west side of the

river Hull frontage. The wind direction is predominantly from the north and east, my property

being located south west of the proposed site will make it subject to a lot of unsociable

disruption from all of the noise and pollution caused during building works which could take

a considerable length of time considering the scale of the proposed development.

Parking within the ?Old Town? area is also at a premium, I know how difficult it is to manage

a car park where there are more flats than parking spaces available within a residential

complex. We have 101 flats and approximately 60 parking spaces in our complex, this is, in

the modern day of living completely unacceptable as most flats have at least 1 car per

property. I believe new residential properties should at least allow for 1 car space per property

plus dedicated extra spaces for visitors, staff and the public whilst using the proposed

amenities ie Doctors Surgery, Restaurants etc.

Trust that


Comment submitted date: Thu 29 Oct 2009

As member of Hull Skyscrapercity and Hullmakeforum there is a broad consensus towards preserving the current RH Mill. This building is iconic for Hull and its loss would be a major architectural loss to the city. There are many imaginative ways to preserve the building look at Gateshead's Baltic Warf) without resorting to knocking it down.


Comment submitted date: Thu 29 Oct 2009

I wish to re-iterate written comments sent by Lincolnshire Mills Group (of which I am Chairman) in October 2007 ie. that Clarence Mills is representative of an important element of Hull's history relating to Joseph Rank and to flour milling in the city.

I wish to speak against the application at committee and at any pre-committee presentation.


Comment submitted date: Thu 29 Oct 2009

I am Concerned about the hight of the building replacing the old mill building. I feel the scale of the development is to large and would result the residents on the east bank living in the shadows of the main building.

This application is showing the plans and documentation from October 2007. Illustrations have been published in the Hull daily mail showing a much larger building to be placed on the site, could a planning officer please contact me to explain the what the procedure is to find out the most current plans for the site please.

Thank you

Kevin Wilkie


Comment submitted date: Thu 29 Oct 2009

I think that at least part of the Clarence mills should be preserved and incorporated into a new design.

Also to keep the memory of Hull's own, great industrialist Joseph Rank.

Let's preserve some of this valuable historic landmark.

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