21/00334/S19 | Application to not comply with condition 3 (organ disposal) of listed building consent application ref. 20/00936/LBC (Application for listed building consent for various internal and external alterations in connection with change of use from church to mixed use community facility, including cafe, business/workshop space, meeting and teaching rooms, event space, education zone, community market) | St Matthews Church Boulevard Kingston Upon Hull HU3 2UD
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Ward Councillors

Councillor Darren Hale

Address The Guildhall Alfred Gelder Street Hull HU1 2AA
Phone 01482 615071
EMAIL councillor.hale@hullcc.gov.uk

Councillor Leanne Fudge

Address The Guildhall Alfred Gelder Street Hull HU1 2AA
Phone 01482 615071
EMAIL Councillor.Fudge2@hullcc.gov.uk

Councillor Herrera-Richmond MA

Address Room 55 Guildhall Alfred Gelder Street Hull HU1 2AA
Phone 01482 613583
EMAIL councillor.herrera-richmond@hullcc.gov.uk

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