15/01239/CONDET | Discharge of conditions for approval 14/01475/FULL - Application to vary/remove conditions:- Condition 2 (approved drawings ) - to reduce car parking, add trolley shelter, reduce floor space, revise design, re-align access road Condition 21 (Public Art) - to provide an equivalent financial contribution - removal of condition, vary legal agreement Condition 24 (Permeable car park surface) - to vary to allow impermeable surface, due to ground conditions Condition 27 (10% renewable energy) - To remove Condition 28 (BREEAM) - To remove Condition 32 (1500 Product line limitation) - To remove, with a possible replacement of a floorspace limitation condition Of planning permission (00031155B) - Erection of a single storey retail unit. - conditions 3, 4, 14, 15 | Land North West Of Roundabout At Wawne Road And, Bude Road Kingston Upon Hull
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Ward Councillors

Councillor Charles Quinn MA

Address The Guildhall Alfred Gelder Street Hull HU1 2AA
Phone 01482 613776
EMAIL councillor.quinn@hullcc.gov.uk

Councillor Mark Bisbey

Address The Guildhall Alfred Gelder Street Hull HU1 2AA

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